
This study aims at developing a scale for stereotyped thoughts about foreign languages. The scale items were prepared by the researcher with the help of scanning related literature and consultations with four experts in the study field. 75 candidate items were put together to form first draft of the scale which was applied to randomly chosen 313 undergraduate students attending Ahi Evran University in 2014-2015 term. After 5 weeks, the same scale was administered to 108 students from the same universe to confirm students’ determination by the help of t-test. Once completed first analysis and expert opinions, 7 items were removed from the scale. Employing exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity values were seen satisfactory and the last form of the scale (Stereotyped Thoughts about Foreign Languages Scale) was decided on having 8 factors and 42 items. In order to identify the distinctiveness of the items, a calculation done by comparing of %27 upper group scores and %27 lower applying t-test result of which, there is a significant difference between two groups. Furthermore, KMO and Cronbach-alpha values of this scale were found to be 0.810 and 0.876 respectively. The Barlett Test Significance Value (3478,491) of this scale was smaller than 0.001. At the end of confirmatory factor analyses, the goodness of fit criteria were found to be, X2/sd: 1.65, RMSEA: 0.046, SRMR: 0.078, CFI:0.92, IFI:0.92, GFI:0.83, AGFI:0.81. As a result, a reliable and valid scale composing of 42 Likert Type sentences were developed as to identify stereotyped thoughts about foreign languages.

Stereotyped thoughts, explanatory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, foreign languages.
